How to beat the sugar rush with tips from an expert

We know how hard it is to feel energised on minimal sleep, reaching for caffeine in vast quantities and grabbing something sugary, because you haven’t had time to make a balanced meal for yourself.

Managing this totally new way of life — feeding, changing, crying, sleeping, repeat — can be tough on both the mind and the body. With lack of sleep and low energy it can become a vicious cycle of reaching for quick fixes which ultimately only provide short term relief.

This is often compounded with hormonal changes beyond the postnatal period and the requirements on the body mean getting the right nutrition is key.

So we invited expert nutritionist Beanie Robinson, founder of The Health Space to speak with us at a Mother+ event.

In this interactive session, we covered a range of topics and concerns from what are the best nutrient dense foods to eat when you have a packed schedule to how to beat those sugar rush snack attacks and replace them with tasty yet healthier alternatives.

Here are her three top tips from the session to take away and try to incorporate into your daily life:

  • Start each day with a pint of warm water before you have any caffeine. This will combat the dehydrating effects of caffeine and set your body up for the day. You can add fresh grated ginger or turmeric to this, to make it a little more exciting and palatable if you like.

  • Try and fast for 12 hours overnight to give the body and digestive system time to repair and the restore, in practical terms this would mean finishing eating at 8pm and having your next meal at 8am the following day.

  • Aim to eat up to 30 different plant foods each week. Now this can sound daunting, but this is only four to five per day, which can be spread out with one per meal or put all into a single super plant-based meal.

If you would like to explore the topics covered at the event in more detail or would like to improve your overall health and wellbeing, get in touch with The Health Space for a free discovery call where you can discuss your concerns and receive a tailor made plan based on your needs.


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